Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
- capabilities
: amqp_connection_open_t
- challenge
: amqp_connection_secure_t
- channel
: amqp_envelope_t
, amqp_frame_t
- channel_id
: amqp_channel_open_ok_t
- channel_max
: amqp_connection_tune_ok_t
, amqp_connection_tune_t
- class_id
: amqp_channel_close_t
, amqp_connection_close_t
, amqp_frame_t
- client_properties
: amqp_connection_start_ok_t
- cluster_id
: amqp_basic_get_empty_t
, amqp_basic_properties_t
- consumer_count
: amqp_queue_declare_ok_t
- consumer_tag
: amqp_basic_cancel_ok_t
, amqp_basic_cancel_t
, amqp_basic_consume_ok_t
, amqp_basic_consume_t
, amqp_basic_deliver_t
, amqp_envelope_t
- content_encoding
: amqp_basic_properties_t
- content_type
: amqp_basic_properties_t
- correlation_id
: amqp_basic_properties_t